Me and my home are right as rain, pun intended. I sheltered in place at my house, which was entirely untouched, as was I. Never lost power for more than a few minutes! My boys were with their dad at his daughter's mountaintop house in North Carolina, and I was invited, but God told me to stay home and so I did. He was with me the whole time as Milton ROARED through, which was quite the experience. By Christ's grace and indwelling spirit, I was serene 96.774% of the time. All Glory and honor to my Lord, Jesus Christ. Thanks for your prayers and concern. I posted this storm-related content during the hurricane :-). Love, Isabella...P.S. "Repent!"
I love how the Amplified Bible amplifies and clarifies God's intent for dense humans.
There are conditions for this kind of peace. BTW, the same peace Jesus promises centuries later...because He's eternal, you see.
This is no self-serving, "name it, claim it" faith and focus. This peace is proven by the abject dependence, usually acquired by fire.