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Repentance, Rest, Quietness & Trust

Writer's picture: Isabella CampolattaroIsabella Campolattaro

Oh, how very sweet is this verse! Repentance, rest, quietness, trust!

Not: Isabella springing into anxious action! Renegade problem-solver, going it alone.

God seem to say, "Just re/turn to me, relax, take it easy, I got you!"

Yes, please.

Speaking through the prophet Isaiah, God was telling His people not to align themselves with Egypt for protection from the attacking Assyrians.

If only they'd listen to God, He'd handle it, but the closing statement says it all: "They would have none of it." In a panic to save themselves at any cost, His people won't listen. They are doing it their way and will suffer greatly as a result.

Self-will, unholy alliances...disaster.

When some threat--real or imagined--assails us, do we rush panicked to solve the problem, to escape, even compromising our values for the sake of some misguided notion of safety? Oh, my!

Have you been there? I have. Very costly. Very.

Yes, action may be needed, but SO much better to pause and consult Almighty God before executing...or...He may even just handle it without our "help."

GOOD (Awesome) NEWS: In Christ, when we come to our senses, when we see He was right and right there all along, we can re/turn to Him and enjoy this restful, quiet, trusting posture God Himself promises. In His mercy and grace, our loving Father can use even our costly, prodigal detours to bless us and others when we re/turn.

Like a little kid who knows Daddy's got them, safely sheltered in His strong arms.


Oh, Holy God, thank you that Christ bridges the gap between our faithless, wayward selves and your holiness. Please, when fear assails us, help us to pause and heed these comforting, simple, serene instructions. May we repent so we can rest in quiet confidence of your salvation and strength. In Christ's name we ask it. Amen. Thank You. I love You.💖



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