Knowing the end of the story, Pilate’s statement would be downright comical if it weren’t so tragic. Pilate is responding to those pitiful Pharisees' angst about Jesus’s disciples coming to steal His body to fulfill the Savior’s claim that He’d rise in three days.
Reading their words in light of their revealing biblical track record, I sense their underlying suspicious resentment, envy, and terror that Jesus's claims were all true.
Rather than receive Christ as Messiah, they persisted in their efforts to subdue the Truth.
They definitely failed.
Ummm..."Yeah, that's right, fellas. Jesus is the Son of God, and He WILL rise again!"
Go ahead and place all the guards, seals, boulders, and barricades you like. You can't stop Jesus.
Go ahead and try to remove God from the world. You can't stop Jesus.
Go ahead and condemn, criticize, persecute, imprison, slander, ridicule, and kill Christians. You can't stop Jesus.
Go ahead and hide your own desperate need behind self-righteous distortions of hatred, bigotry, judgment, oppression, and condemnation...You can't stop Jesus.
And to those who are struggling with their own suffering, doubt, failures, injustices, illness, hang-ups, and longings...beloved, you can't stop Jesus either.
Nothing can keep us from His Love!
Jesus offers help, healing, power, peace, and the ultimate new beginning if we but re/turn to Him.
Things looked awful that Saturday, but Sunday was coming!
In fact, Jesus will come again in Glory with an eternity of Resurrection Sundays.
Lord Jesus, thank You that nothing can stop You and Your love for us! "I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love." (Romans 8:38)
Amen! Thank You. I love You.💖