“…But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him, and kissed him.” Luke 15:20
The story of the prodigal son is immensely encouraging. The young heir demanded his share of his father’s estate so he could leave the comfort and safety of the family home to squander himself on debauchery. His fun was short-lived. Starving, humiliated, and remorseful, he raced home, ready to eat crow for a meal. Instead, he found his father waiting with open arms, racing out to greet and celebrate the return of his pitiful, wayward son.
Such love, mercy, and compassion! How comforting to glimpse its depth and power to transform!
Many years ago, I saw a news item about Charles Manson cult follower Susan Atkins, who’d been convicted of the horrific murder of actress Sharon Tate in 1969. It’s worth noting that Tex Watson later claimed he was the only killer.
In 1974, Susan was born again after Jesus appeared to her in her jail cell. She went on to lead Bible studies and ministered to the most broken and violent of female inmates, leading many women to freedom in Christ.
In 2011, Susan released an autobiography, ”Child of Satan, Child of God: Her Own Story, Susan Atkins.” Susan had lost her mother to cancer at 13, abandoned her childhood faith, and was shuttled from home to home, eventually falling prey to satanist Anton Lavey and Charles Manson. The little girl who’d once persuaded her kids' choir to sing below her dying mom’s bedroom window became a monster capable of the most unspeakable atrocities. It’s scary to ponder what sent her plummeting into such an abyss.
In 2008, dying of brain cancer, Atkins requested and was denied “compassionate release.”
I was profoundly moved by her dramatic conversion and powerful jailhouse ministry and wrote her a letter of encouragement. To my surprise, her husband and attorney, James Whitehouse, wrote me back, responding with Susan’s gratitude and faith in Christ only months before she died in September 2009, whispering “Amen” with her final breath.
Understandably, many didn’t want to see Susan released, even on her deathbed. After all, she’d done evil, and there was a price to pay.
There was a time I would have heartily agreed…but for Christ, who welcomes all repentant sinners back to the sheepfold, no matter what. The old Susan had died long before when she met Jesus in that jail cell in 1974. That Susan was forgiven, the agonies and awful offenses of her twisted past, washed clean by the Blood of the Lamb.
Yes. It’s true! For Susan, for me, and for you, too. That’s GOOD NEWS.
Most of us have not come close to such barbarities, but it’s sobering to recall that God says all sin is evil, and the Apostle John warns bluntly, “The one who does what is sinful is of the devil…” (1 John 3:8; 7-10).
Thankfully, there’s deliverance for all prodigals, whether you’re a degenerate heir, satanic murderer (YES!), a garden-variety sinner like you and me, or someplace else on our self-serving sin-scoring continuum.
If you’ve messed up a little or a lot, hurry back to your Father’s House for a warm welcome and feast for a prodigal. All we need to do when we finally “come to our senses,” humbled by the mess we’ve made, is:
PRAY Luke 15:21…
“Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son/[daughter].” Please restore me and receive me into Your heavenly kingdom! Thank You for giving me this option today, in Christ’s name. Amen. I love You.
Your Heavenly Father replies,
“…Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’” (Luke 15:22-24)